Joel Ansett

I live in Denver, CO with my wife Molly and four sweet kiddos. We’ve been here for ten years, slowly building a songwriting career and raising a family. We love songs. We view songwriting, recording, and performing as important/meaningful work that provides tangible soul care for listeners.

Early in my career, we began to see how certain songs, beyond anything we could plan, seemed to be for specific people in specific moments. Some songs would flop, some would do well, but then some of them would really land, finding the right person at just the right time, speaking directly to a listener’s own deep hope, joy, or pain. We started to call these stories ‘Godward moments.’ We started to collect the stories we heard from listeners, and before we knew it, Molly and I both cared a whole lot about songwriting and had started building a career out of it.

I would write, record, and perform, and Molly would manage and support behind the scenes; both of us amazed at how a well-written song could provide a listener with a truly personal experience of God’s goodness, closeness, and care. Good art helps the soul feel it’s worth - and anything good, true, or beautiful has the same effect. It reminds the listener/viewer of their first home in God and invites us to re-accept God’s deep care in a specific moment; and we love fostering these moments by pursuing excellence in artistic work. It is a vocation that we hope will someday sustain itself (and we have seen some early signs of success) but in order to provide financial stability in a very unpredictable industry, we have prayed for and sought out a team of patrons to make the work more possible and promising.

We will continue to pursue excellence in songwriting to provide soul care for listeners, and we would be humbled and honored to have your support along the way.